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Can Beets Boost Athletic Performance?
Most athletes want to perform at their best; some even look for supplements to give them the edge, hoping to make themselves a little bit...
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Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Unfortunately, the answer is not black and white, nor, so simple to solve. To explain...
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Understanding the Microbiome
After a high-fiber meal, do you feel like your stomach is full of air? Well, you can thank your gut microbes for that! The gut microbiome...
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Detox Juice Cleanse: Good or Bad?
Have you ever struggled to lose weight, felt like you’ve been eating poorly, or had such a bad hangover that you feel like you might die...
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Are You What You Eat?
Have you ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat?” Well when you eat a hot dog chances are you are not turning into a hot dog,...
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Let's Spill on Salad Dressing
When we think of salad we automatically think healthy, right? Why shouldn’t we? Salads can be packed full of various vegetables, fruits,...
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"Plant-based", Lifestyle or Fad?
Tristin Geschwender, GVSU Dietetic Intern ‘Plant-based’ seems to be trending topic in the field of nutrition. What does plant-based...
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An Enlightened Nutrition Christmas List
Hey friends! I'm in the Christmas spirit and thought I would share some gift ideas for friends/family who love to cook, live a healthy...
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Supplements for Fibromyalgia
Haylee Buckles, GVSU Intern Fibromyalgia affects 4 million U.S adults. If you have fibromyalgia you know that with this comes fatigue,...
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Which probiotic to buy?
Haylee Buckles, GVSU Intern With the recent trend of probiotics for promoting gut health, some of you may be wondering what product to...
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Protein Bar Comparison
Author: Bailey Arnold GVSU Dietetic Intern In today’s busy world it can be hard sometimes to sit down and have a “real meal”, whatever...
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To Collagen or Not to Collagen?
Collagen is a type of protein that our body produces, BUT as we age, our body produces less. Why would anyone care about collagen? It...
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Granola Bar or Glorified Candy Bar?
Granola bars have become almost a staple in the average American diet now a day. I mean why not? They are a quick, easy, nutritious and...
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CB-do or CB-don't?
I’ll be honest, this a new topic of exploration and understanding for me. I certainly did not dive deep into this topic during my college...
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Do you Believe in Cheat Meals?
At Enlightened Nutrition, we definitely believe in the magic of proper nutrition, however we DO NOT believe in "cheat meals". "Come on...
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Diet Coke: Drink it or Ditch it?
So what’s the deal with Diet Coke? Harmful or healthy? Drink it or ditch it? The big culprit with Diet Coke is aspartame, an artificial...
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